Monday, February 20, 2012

My Journey into Assisted Living

As a child I spent a lot of time in hospitals visiting my younger brother, who had a plethora of medical issues.  So, from a young age I had been used to being around people of all ages who were in need of extra care.  In junior high I began volunteering at a local convalescent home.  It started as service hours needed for a school project, but I continued long after I had served my necessary hours.  I enjoyed my time painting nails and styling hair for the ladies in the nursing home.  They would regale me with stories of their youth, as I took my time helping them get all spruced up!  I eventually stopped my volunteer work at the convalescent home in lieu of other things, and didn’t really give it much thought again until the health of my grandfather began to deteriorate. 
About 10 or so years ago he went from his own home to a senior apartment, and after a few years his doctor suggested my family check out assisted living.  Like many, my family and I had only had experience with convalescent homes and hospitals.  We were utterly in the dark about anything that existed between home and skilled nursing.  My family began to research and found that assisted living was exactly what he needed!  He would be able to maintain his independence in a private apartment but would have healthy meals and housekeeping provided for him, transportation, 24 hour staffing in case of emergency and plenty of socialization.  My grandpa loved to laugh and make others laugh!  Not long after the search began did my grandpa select a community for himself, and boy did he fit right in!  We’d hear stories about how he’d been crowed the Valentine’s Day King, or how he’d keep the night staff entertained by singing show tunes to them.
A few years after my grandpa made his transition into assisted living, I made mine!  In 2007, I was a full-time college student and looking for a new career.  I was hired as a receptionist at Regency Grand at West Covina and fell in love!  Much more than just answering phones, I became very involved in the lives of the residents, getting to know them, their daily routines and families.  I took joy in the birth of a new great-grandbaby, sorrow in the loss of a spouse and tried to ease the confusion of scheduling doctor appointments.  I eventually branched out and began helping in other departments, learning the intricacies of how the community worked together to provide for the needs of the residents.  I was very happy in my position and had grown close to many our residents.  As my graduation neared, I wondered what I would do and was saddened by the prospect of leaving my residents.
As fate would have it, a position opened up in our Marketing Department and I was offered the position!  I was thrilled to be able to stay and excited to see yet another angle to assisted living.  Having grown up in the area now I find I often know the families that are walking through our doors, whether it be from church, school or a local business.  I can put myself in their shoes, new to the idea of assisted living, and wondering what is to come.  I am in a position to help families navigate the ups and downs of this transition as their loved one settles into their new home at Regency Grand!