Monday, June 4, 2012

Did Somebody Say STAYcation?

June 20th is the official first day of summer!  And it’s just around the corner!  I am greatly looking forward to a family get-away to Hawaii this year.  Not only have I never been to Hawaii, but it has been YEARS since my parents, younger brother and I have been able to coordinate a time when we can all vacation together.  I have such fond memories of vacations from my childhood.  We have been all over the United States: road trips, river rafting, almost every beach along the West Coast and family reunions on the East Coast.  I also plan to see the world and experience new countries and cultures-there is just SO much to see!  But, I think we’ve all heard, if not uttered, that famous line: “I need a vacation after my vacation!”
I’ve found that there are two very different types of vacations; ones to travel, sight see, and explore, and ones to rest, relax, and avoid the hassles of everyday life.  Rather than a vacation, I like to refer to these as staycations!  You can stay local, even at home if you want to, and take the opportunity to do all those fun things you never seem to be able to find time to do!
We, at Regency Grand, have a program designed to facilitate just this!  Our Rest and Recovery Program offers a fully furnished apartment to people wanting a short-term stay.  Typically a week, but up to two months, this program includes all of the comforts of home, with the luxury of a hotel!  We do all the cooking and cleaning, provide transportation to doctor appointments, lunch outings and day trips.  We also have an excellent activity program that includes exercise classes, church services, nightly movies, happy hours, educational classes, crafts and various other types of entertainment.  We are also able to provide a wide range of 24 hour care, such as medication management, dressing, bathing and much more (try to find a resort that does all that!) 
For people considering making a move into assisted living, our Rest and Recovery Program is an excellent way to test out the community.  We are also able to bridge the gap between hospital and home, for those who may need a little extra TCL after discharge.  Often referred to as a cruise ship on land, giving our Rest and Recovery Program a try is a one way ticket to a permanent staycation!