Sunday, July 1, 2012

You Only Live Once

There is a new social phenomenon that has been sweeping popular culture lately.  It is the concept of YOLO, or You Only Live Once.  Personally, I love the idea, but feel it is being misinterpreted by many of the generation that is promoting it.  Many of today’s youth are using the acronym as a way to justify late nights, lots of partying and playing hooky for days at the beach.  While it is true that this carefree lifestyle won’t last forever (full-time employment, marriage and kids always seem to get in the way), I think the opportunity for something bigger is being missed.
                I work with a group of people who have seen and experienced many, many things in life, from the amazing to the tragic.  In my five years at Regency Grand I have never once had a resident tell me they wished they had spent more time in bars or at clubs.  Though they do speak fondly of nights out dancing or with friends, I hear many of them wishing for far different experiences they feel they have missed or would like to re-live.  For some it’s to have traveled more, others that they had pursued a higher education or even the simplicity of a lazy Sunday drive.
At Regency Grand we have a “Personal Preferences” philosophy when it comes to our residents and their activities.  We want to provide an everyday environment that gives our residents access to the things that are important to them, but we also strive to find a way to make those “YOLO” moments happen!  One of our residents used to be a choir director, so we helped her get one going here.  They practice every Monday, and let me tell you, they are FANTASTIC!  Another resident mentioned that she used to be friends the Pink family of Pink’s Famous Hotdogs and had been craving one for decades.  Guess where we went on our next lunch outing?  That’s right, the original Pink’s in LA!  We had another resident who grew up on a farm.  She recently expressed to us that she misses all of the animals she used to care for as a child.  Being wheelchair bound has made a visit to an actual farm extremely difficult, but that hasn’t stopped our Activity Director, Daniel.  He will be arranging for the farm to come to her!
These are just a few examples of how we’ve helped our residents re-live some of their favorite experiences, but we also love to set up more elaborate events, like over-night trips to San Diego, fishing, kayaking or even a hot air balloon ride!  We want to help our residents live their lives to the fullest.  Whether it’s something little or large we will find a way to make it happen. 
I think the YOLO philosophy of our younger generation needs a little perspective, maybe the kind that only experience can bring, but it sets a good foundation for going after your dreams and living a happy and fulfilled life.  After all, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ~Mae West