Monday, November 5, 2012

Blessed to be Stressed!

Is it just me or does it seem like every year the holiday season starts creeping up earlier and earlier?  It used to be that you could find Halloween decorations in September, Thanksgiving stuff rolled out after Halloween and the Christmas music could be heard starting Thanksgiving weekend.  Now the holidays have turned into one big Merry Hallowgivingmas.  Halloween décor is mixed in with Back-to-School sales and I am not kidding when I say I heard Jingles Bells playing on the overhead at the mall this weekend.
Needless to say the holidays are a stressful and hectic time!  Though the joy of family, friends and festivities is a great payoff, it is important to realize that seniors may need to go at a slower pace and need a little extra TLC during this time of year.  I came across an article at that provides some excellent tips for helping elderly loved ones navigate the craziness:

Set realistic goals

We know visiting family and friends is always on the to-do list during the holiday season, but traveling and meeting with people all day can be physically and mentally exhausting. Make sure to schedule ample rest time throughout and allow for plenty of transportation time in between visits so that there's no rushing around to see last-minute guests.

Keep set schedules

If your senior parent or friend is used to waking up at a certain time, eating at a certain time and going to bed at a certain time, make sure to respect those schedules. Staying up later to accommodate family visits or having to eat later in the evening because of a difference in meal times can be difficult and stressful for a senior to acclimate to, so make sure you know beforehand what their schedule is like.

Keep expenses to a minimum

Many seniors are on fixed incomes, so keeping costs low can help ease any financial stress associated with the holidays. Travel, gifts and food can all start to take their toll on the checkbook, so make sure to create a realistic budget and stick to it.

Plan appropriate activities

A six-hour shopping trip may not be the best idea for a senior who has difficulty walking or standing for long periods of time. If these types of activities are unavoidable, make sure that a walker or wheelchair is available to make activities easier and more comfortable.

Keep friends or family around

Along with the fun and happy aspects of holidays comes sadness for many seniors - especially those who've lost loved ones. Be sure to not isolate yourself or your elderly companion. There are always churches and other civic organizations that offer holiday parties and gatherings, or volunteering at a local organization to stay social during the holidays.

And if all else fails, come to them!  At Regency Grand our Activity Department and staff are working double-time during the holidays to host plenty of activities, events, and get-togethers that the whole family can enjoy.  We have brunches, parties, our holiday boutique and enough entertainment to keep everybody happy.  The more the merrier here, so relieve some of your own stress and let us do the work!  It’s always a pleasure to meet those out-of-town family members and friends.  Slow down and take some time enjoy the season!