Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thank You!

First off I’d like to apologize for being majorly tardy with this month’s blog, but it will be short and sweet!  As we are coming down from the buzz of the holidays and preparing to wrap up another year, I would just like to extend a very heartfelt “THANK YOU” to everybody who makes our community so amazing!  It takes major teamwork to keep things going around here and boy do we have the team for it!
                There is no job too big or too small and each piece fits together to make our community whole.  Our Maintenance and Housekeeping Departments always keep us spick and span and in good running order.  Our Dining/Kitchen staff keeps us all fat and happy, while our Activity Department gets everyone where they need to be and plans great outings and fun things to do on a daily basis.  I cannot say enough about our Health Services Department, our caregivers and medication technicians are consistently going above and beyond to ensure are our residents are loved and cared for.  Our amazing nurses and management team oversee everything and our Executive Director can’t be beat!
                As amazing as our staff is however, we wouldn’t be anywhere without our wonderful residents and their families!  We come to work every day and strive to make our community the best home possible for our residents and in that process we all become one big family, sharing in all of the sorrow and joy that life brings.