Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Make A Senior Smile

So first of all, let me apologize for not posting in March…things have been bananas around here!  But I wanted to take a minute to talk about a really wonderful organization Regency Grand has been proud to help support!  The Make a Senior Smile organization (http://makeaseniorsmile.org/) was founded by an amazing group of people specializing in various aspects of senior care.  The board members recognized a need in the senior population and did something about it! 
In brief, Make a Senior Smile, raises funds that are used to help improve the lives of seniors in-need or do something special for them.  Their mission statement says it perfectly:
“The mission of Make a Senior Smile, Inc., is to provide resources, life enrichment opportunities, and to generate smiles for seniors. We strive to celebrate the lives of seniors by helping to fulfill their life-long goals and missed opportunities due to sacrifices they made for others.”
Last October Make a Senior Smile focused on seniors in the West Covina area and Regency Grand was lucky enough to host their Smiles on the Vine wine gala and fundraiser.  Local businesses sponsored various appetizer stations that were accompanied by some excellent wine pairings.   It was a beautiful evening with a huge turnout.  A number of our residents even bought tickets and got all decked out for the night!
Just this past Sunday I was able to attend their annual Day at the Races event at the Santa Anita Race Track.  The weather was beautiful, the food was delicious and there were tons of amazing raffle and silent auction prizes.  Next year I will have to brush up on my horse knowledge so I can bet on some ponies!  Helping seniors is a cause that is near and dear to my heart.
 I strongly encourage everybody to check out their website.  You can read some pretty touching and amazing stories about the seniors they have helped, make a donation or find out about their next event (http://makeaseniorsmile.org/)!  For pictures from Smiles on the Vine or Day at the Races check out Regency Grand on Facebook at www.facebook.com/regencygrandwestcovina or follow us on Instagram, username REGENCYGRAND!